Tag Archives: Know it Alls

I always wonder why people are amazed and impressed when celebs talk about sports, as if they know everything because they are famous. Case in point….Lil Wayne.

Who can take him seriously at all when it comes to sports talk? Besides his stans.  I know I sure don’t. From the bullshit music he make, don’t get me wrong I’m a fan, but some of the music he pushes as “creative” is just no good. Wayne to me is front runner, big time, from sports to fashion, he chooses what’s hot…always. It’s clear, so why act like his sports talk is legitimate? Hey it’s America, so do what you want, this is my opinion. Weezy and sports don’t mix which is why him doing some weekly sports show is just ridiculous to me. But hey the fans will eat it up because I’m sure everything he says is gospel to them and I’m sure they are no fans of all of his sports team…like the NHL’s Washington Capitols….really guy?

I will not promote where to find his show so if you’re interested, sorry.

– Dave